

Nichols Knights: Leading the Charge of Excellence 

Our Mission Statement 

It is the mission of Nichols Elementary School to educate the whole child and instill in students a desire to achieve their full potential as lifelong learners, thinkers, and productive contributors to their community.

Every Minute, Every Day, Every Knight 



Nichols Knights Families,

It’s that time of year.  There’s a chill in the air and the cold winds are blowing.  However,  we still try to take the student outside for wellness whenever it is above freezing.  So, please make sure your child dresses appropriately each day so they can join their class outside.

Please remember that it is in your child’s best interest if you do not pick them up early from school.  However, if it is necessary to pick them up early, we cannot call them to the office until you are here.  Please do not ask us to have them waiting for you in the office when you arrive.  You will need to plan accordingly and get here early enough to sign them out and wait for them to walk up the hall. 

We had started sending home Chromebooks after Thanksgiving break.  However, there have been so many issues with students losing chargers, bringing Chromebooks back to school without charging them, or forgetting their Chromebooks altogether.  So, we will not be sending them home for the time being.  If your child’s Chromebook, and/or charger is at home, PLEASE be sure they bring everything back to school on Monday.  Thank you so much for your cooperation with this. 

The Student handbook was shared on Class Dojo, can be found on the Nichols website, and is linked here.  Each week until Christmas, I will share a tidbit from the Student handbook to answer questions we have been getting phone calls about. This week’s tidbit is a reminder about School Closing Procedures:

  • In the event schools must be closed, the following procedure will be used:

    • The announcement will be made on local television and radio if school is to be closed that day.  It will also be posted on the BCPS website, BCPS Facebook page and Class Dojo. 

    • School will be closed one day at a time unless the announcement on the radio states otherwise.

    • As soon as the decision is made to close school the following day, the announcement will be made on TV/radio.

    • PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL, THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICE OR YOUR PRINCIPAL.  They will not know about school closing prior to the radio announcement, and it is impossible for them to answer calls from everyone.

    • In the event that school must be dismissed before the regular time, the announcement will be made on local TV/radio so that parents may make arrangements for someone to be home to meet their children.

    • You may also receive a text, email or phone call from the BCPS automated One Call system.  

    • When the schools are closed or dismissed early for emergency reasons, all school-sponsored activities and programs will be automatically cancelled or postponed. 

    • Please be sure your contact information is always up to date.


  • Inclement morning weather conditions that are expected to improve may result in school opening on a delayed schedule.  Please refer to the guidelines for school closing above, as this will be the same method for announcing a school delay.  Here are additional guidelines for school delay.

  • If a one-hour delay is announced, the front door of the school will open at 9:40 AM.  Buses will pick up children on their regular route one hour later than usual.  Breakfast will be served for those who wish to eat.

  • If a two-hour delay is announced, the school door will open at 10:40 AM.  Buses will pick up children on their regular route two hours later than usual.  Breakfast will not be served.  Lunch will be served on the normal schedule.

  • School will dismiss at the regular time on delayed schedule.

Upcoming dates:

12/12 - 12/14 - Santa Shop

12/14 - 5:30 - 7:00  Title I Literacy Night Cookies with Santa  

12/19 - Jan. 2nd - Christmas break

Have a wonderful weekend !  

Anne Marie Landry


Nichols Elementary

Home of the Nichols Knights