1342 The bus turnaround still isn't safe. Mr. Barry will not be driving Holsclaw Hill. Will go down Mt. Elmira but not going past the church parking lot. If you live on Brooks Hill past Mt. Elmira and/or Mt. Elmira past the church... please meet at Mt Elmira church parking lot. (This includes Eagles all three runs)
Central area bus 1960 with Miss Liz is running approximately 25 minutes behind on her Elementary route this afternoon.
Just a reminder that North area bus 1342 with Mr. Barry still is having an issue with his turnaround being covered in ice. Same rule as last two days please.
Bus 1721 is running about 10 minutes behind on middle school ONLY. Thank you!
Bus 1289 (sub Mr. James on bus 806) is running at least 40 minutes behind on the High School route, as of 7:02am. This will put the bus behind on middle school. If you can self transport, please do so, if not the bus will be there and schools will be notified. We are very sorry.
North area bus 1351 w/ Ms. Crystal is running about 15 minutes behind for NBHS.
1289 - SUB driver (Mr. James) and SUB bus (806) Be at the stop please.
1717 - In the office today. Mr. Tim is driving our bus 1717.
1333 - Ms. Alexus is HERE but... she is unable to do her turnaround on Pitts Point and is asking her students/parents in that area to meet her at Highwater.
Unfortunately we just found out east area bus 1310 will be OUT this afternoon.
Central Bus #1111 is currently running 30 minutes behind as of 7:29am
Bus 1259: Due to an accident on North Meyers and Rogers Ave, Ms. Brenda can not get down Rogers. Those students will need to be self transported. We are very sorry. Thank you
North Bus 1721 has a sub driver and is on bus 1105. He is running slightly behind as of 6:20am. Please be patient and visible at your stop. Thank you 
North bus 1649 had to run her route backwards for HIGH SCHOOL due to blocked railroad tracks. Please be patient and visible at your stop. Thank you
1342 North area: Will not be driving Holsclaw Hill. Will go down Mt. Elmira but not going past the church parking lot. Brooks Hill past Mt Elmira and Mt Elmira past the church... please meet at Mt Elmira church parking lot. (This includes Eagles all three runs)
Bus #1351 is having mechanical issues. Ms. Crystal is waiting on a bus. High School needs to self transport. If they have no transportation they can get on the middle school route. We are very sorry and thank you.
Overlook students need to come up to Wilderness Way, due to ice. Thank you!
Right at School link For K-8 ONLY. Follow this link for the Right at School Bus Outage Program https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YFoLVqM5wLhCLi8xytY_UmGf6_uvapenvtkWOsO0H84/viewform?ts=66a13148&edit_requested=true
1522 - ***NO DRIVER ... Ms. Alura is OUT.
1515 - Ms. Jennifer is HERE but... she needs her students in the Old Boston Rd. area... if you live past Maraman Rd... she needs you to come to the pull out at Old Boston and S. Sanders Ln. this morning.
For Tuesday morning... Alexus on central area bus 1333 won't be able to do her turnaround on Pitts Point and is asking her students/parents in that area to meet her at Highwater.