*NEW* BCPS Assessment and Instruction Platforms

Grades K-5


Important things to know about i-Ready:

  • i-Ready is an online, research-based, standards-based screener for both reading and math

  • The test is adaptive - this means that the questions are designed to find the student's current level.

    • For example, if the student is doing well, the questions will get more difficult.

  • This screener will help our teachers know where your child is performing academically so that they can provide necessary supports and enrichments on your child’s level.

  • All instruction given through the iReady platform will be based on how your child performs on the screener.

  • It is recommendation that your child spend just 45 minutes per week in the i-Ready platform.

    • Check out this parent guide to learn more about how to track your child's time.

  • Our first screening window begins August 21st and it will be given two more times this year.

    • Our Kindergarten window will begin September 18th.

  • A detailed report will be sent home of your child’s results.

Grades K-3


Important things to know about FastBridge:

  • FastBridge is a research-based, diagnostic assessment.

  • BCPS is only using the academic portions of this assessment, with a specific focus on Reading standards.

  • This assessment looks at your child's understanding of the five components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension

  • The look and feel of this assessment varies from Kindergarten and First Grade to Second and Third Grade.

  • For K-1 students, the test is teacher-given and will last about 5 minutes.

  • For grades 2-3, the test is online. - online and will last about 30 minutes.

  • Our first diagnostic window starts August 28th and it will be given two more times later this year.

  • A detailed report will be sent home of your child’s results.

Grades 6-12

Pathways to Proficiency

Important things to know about Pathways to Proficiency:

  • Pathways to Proficiency is a standards-based assessment that mirrors the look and feel of the KY Summative Assessment (our state assessment students take each Spring).

  • There are four main content areas to Pathways to Proficiency and students will take them at various grades:

    • ELA - 6-10th Grades

    • Math 6-10th Grades

    • Science - 10th Grade

    • Social Studies - 11th Grade

  • Based on student performance, students will receive "Stepping Stone" lessons tailored to their specific academic level.

  • Teachers receive data as soon as the window closes so they can make instructional decisions in the moment

  • This assessment will be given three times per year with the first windows as follows:

    • Middle School starts 9/20

    • High School starts 10/18